Henry and Mudge

They ate breakfast at the same time; they ate supper at the same time.

Henry had no brothers and no sisters.
So, he asked his parents to have a brother but they said "Sorry".
And, he asked them to have a dog.
However, same answer came back.

So, he searched for a dog.
Then, he found Mudge.

They are get along with soon.
Henry took Mugge everywhere.

One day, Mudge took a walk alone.
After that, he got lost.
Henry searched for Mudge.
"Mudge!" he called, one last time.

I amazed their strong bond.
I want to have a dog some day.

Whether Mudge found, Let's reading it!!


  1. Please tell us the full title of the book. (There are at least 15 books with "Henry and Mudge" in the title.)

