Hill Of Fire

「Hill of fire」の画像検索結果
"Nothing ever happens."
 The farmer feel bored.
Every morning he woke up early. It was still dark. And he ate two flat cakes of ground corn. These routine is not good for him.

One day,the farmer went to his field.That day was very hot so his son, Pablo came to the field to help him.The ox pulled and the plow turned up the soil.
Suddenly, the plow stopped. It went down, down,down, into a little hole.

Moreover, white smoke came from the hole in the ground!!
They ran to escape the fire.

There was a loud BOOM so the little village harmed.
People had to make a new village. They were happy because now they were safe.

Now the farmer had a new field but he isn't change  routine.

I think  however hard things happened, I want to achieve it.

Let's reading it!!
