Lownu Mends the Sky

The little boy cries. 'I want the day sky to be blue! Blue. All blue again!' 'Don't cry!' says Lownu. 'Give me the pieces of blue. Go and play! I want to think.'

Once upon a time, in China, every day the sky is blue. One day a lot of piece of blue fell. Then, people told it Lownu. 'Go and find the pieces. All the pieces of blue,'said Lownu. 'And bring them here!'  People found twenty holes in the sky. However, they only had ten pieces. In that night, Lownu cut pieces from the blue dress and silver apron and then she put them together. So, they had twenty pieces. Lownu went up the tree with the pieces of the sky and a spoon. She put a piece on the spoon and flip! Therefore the sky became blue as it used to be!!
