The Little Red Hen

"Who can help me?" "I can't."

Here is the little red hen. And here are her friends- Cat, Duck, and Goose.
The little red hen found wheat seeds so she said Cat, "Who can help me?". " I can't," says Cat. "I want to sleep."
Next, the little red hen said Duck "Who can help me?". "I can't," said Duck. "I want to play in the water."
Next, the little red hen said Goose,"Who can help me?". " I can't," said Goose. " I want to sit in the sun."
So, she planted all the seeds, watered and cut all the wheat, ground the wheat into flour and made all the bread by only herself!
The bread looks very good so Cut, Duck and Goose wanted to eat it but the little red hen ate all... all... all...the bread!!

著者 :
Oxford Univ Pr
発売日 : 2004-11-04
